Downers Grove Dryer Vent Installer Joins Efforts with Local Firefighters to Teach
Children about Dryer Safety
Firefighters visit area schools to teach children about fire prevention in the home…this practice pays off when children tell their parents what they learn in school about dryer vent cleaning
Downers Grove IL – The local dryer vent installer is happy to join efforts with local firefighters to teach children about dryer fire prevention. Dryer vent cleaning is a popular topic of discussion with the Wizard all year around, with increased efforts during Fire Prevention Month in October. This is the time of year when the firemen visit the children at school to educate them about home fire prevention.
The Wizard recalls some stories where children applied the lessons they learned in school when they experienced a home fire. One particular story involved two young girls who helped their grandmother escape safely when her home was on fire. This happened the very day the local fire department visited their school so they knew just what to do.
This story has inspired the local dryer vent installer to suggest adding dryer vent cleaning and maintenance to the children’s fire safety education. Children obviously listen and learn from local heroes who make fire prevention education so interesting.
Children pay close attention to figures of authority, like the firemen visiting their school and presenting fire prevention in a fun way. Many will come home and tell their parents what they learned in school to inspire good habits at home. The local dryer vent installer says the dryer is so easy to operate that a child can do it, so make he child feel extra important by teaching them good maintenance habits too.
Some valuable lessons are presented in schools during Fire Prevention Month. When children remind their parents to have dryer vent cleaning service performed regularly, the local dryer vent installer is happy. Education is a vital part of his service as Joe Enzenberger, owner of Dryer Vent Wizard works to raise public awareness about the importance of a well maintained dryer vent system.
Joe Enzenberger is a local dryer vent installer providing commercial and residential dryer vent service, repair and maintenance. Joe has been in business since 2009, serving the Chicago area, Downers Grove, Naperville, New Lenox and surrounding neighborhoods.
About Dryer Vent Wizard:
Dryer Vent Wizard is a member of the National Fire Protection Association and the largest chain of dryer vent cleaning, repair, replacement and alternation specialists in the U.S. with nearly 60 franchisees in major markets. Dryer Vent Wizard franchisees work to promote public awareness on the importance of dryer vent cleaning to prevent dryer fires and save energy. Consumer education while making clothes dryers safer and greener are the main focus of DVW franchisees. Dryer Vent Wizard was founded in 2004 by Dave Lavalle who is also the founder of the Mr. Handyman franchise.